Saturday, October 30, 2010

【槟城美食】Batu Maung Char Koay Kak - 口感一流的炒棵角

炒棵角是其中一样我很爱吃的炒食,可能我很重视口感所以很多摊的炒棵角都会因为豆芽有不熟的味道、过硬或者菜餔(Chai Poh)口感和炒棵角不一致,都让我觉得槟城没什么让我满意的炒棵角。唯一让我满意的也只有Alor Star荣华咖啡店外的Van仔卖的,这次先略过有机会再推荐。
每个星期六都会载小晶到Batu Maung工作,在有一次经过这里时发现路边有一摊炒棵角就买了来吃,回家吃时发现无论豆芽、菜餔和棵角的口感都配合得很好。
Char Koay Kak is one of the Fried Food favourite, but due to I look heavy on the mixture between Koay Kak + Tauge + Chai Poh is balancing, I thought there is none of the char koay kak in Penang is my like. My hometown Alor Star got one Van selling Koay Kak is the only like until today. But one day, when I fetch Jing to work, I drive through the Jalan Baru Batu Maung, I saw one Koay Kak stall just opposite the market, then I decide to stop and tried it.
老板的招牌很红dong dong下,很难不注意到,我第一次驾车经过时一下就注意到这个摊位了。
Tauke Koay Kak signboard was very RED, that's why I easily can notice this is Koay Kak stall.

I use my body try to block the sun light but seems still cannot see clearly.

上面写着的是价钱 The Price is:(Update 7-Jan 2011,涨价了)
蛋Egg RM2.20(小small) RM2.60(大big)
无蛋 without egg RM1.90(小small) Rm2.30(大big)
鸭蛋 Duck Egg Rm2.70(小small) RM3.10(大big)
坦白说,我个人还是觉得很便宜因为Alor Star Van仔卖的,大的一包都要RM2.80了。
Honestly, I feel very cheap cos that Alor Star one, Big with egg is cost me Rm2.80 d.

Tauke is put a lot of chai poh, it's make the koay kak more tasty and he didnt directly put the egg inside the koay kak, he will put in one small bowl then only put in the koay kak, this is try to avoide accidentally put the non-fresh egg into the koay kak. Tauke quite a bit shy, when i asking question he also dont talk much, jz concentrate to char the koay kak.
Due to I "da bao", Tauke using the banana leaf instead of plastic to cover the koay kak, it's healthy than using plastic. The Koay Kak is very delicious, tasty & smell good, I think this is the worth & tasty koay kak i ever have.

View Fantastic Char Koay Kak in a larger map

Biz Hour: 7am - 11am
Add: Jalan Baru Batu Maung (巴剎斜对面Opposite the market)
GPS:5°27'17.9"N  100°17'26.4"E

Thursday, October 28, 2010

【食记贴士Yummy Tips】 Coupons - 超值优惠乱乱卖!!

New "Kang Tao" intro again lo. This time is which provided bundles of coupons selling that at least 50% cheaper than original price, in order to let everyone can enjoy food & service with lower price. It's not just provide coupons that related with foods but also have others coupons (previous deal) like printer refill, massage package, beauty package & etc. It will be more fantastic campaign & coupons will be having soon. Why the price is lower? There using community power to get the best deal to us.

1. 每次单项优惠会开放48-60小时,供大家购买此优惠卷。如下图,该网站有个倒数器倒数优惠截止。
Each time promotion, there will open for 48-60hours to let everyone purchase. As picture below, there will be a "Time Left to Buy" before the promotion ended.

2. 每次单项优惠都有限定最少购买人数,如果购买人数多于限定人数,此优惠就成功了;相反的,如果购买人数少于限定人数,此优惠就会取消。不过不必担心,就算取消了,你所付出的数额,还是会全数退还给您的。
Each promotion have a limit, if the purchase member > limit member, the deal is on; if the purchase member < limit member then the deal will be cancel. But if you already buy the coupon and the deal cancel, dont worry, will 100% refund the money to you. As picture below, the deal need at least 100 members but there is 517members bought the coupons, it means the deal will ON!!

3. 还是不放心吗?提供该优惠店主的电话,如果有什么问题可以咨询他们的。
If you not trusted the deal, you can directly contact the related deal owner.

4. 此优惠不限制购买数额,你一人要买10张带埋朋友一起去或者一人要独自享用10张都绝对没有问题。
There is no limit of coupons you can buy, if you want to buy 10coupons then bring along friends or you buy 10coupons and enjoy by yourself, also no problem.
5. 付款是预付方式,无论是visa或者master信用卡,或者online banking如maybank2u, cimb clicks, hong leong online, alliance bank, RHB bank online, Ambank online,又或者E-Wallet如MEPS Cash或Mobile Money甚至offline bank transfer就是利用maybank ATM转账都没有问题,是相当方便的。
The payment is very secure and easy, they provided credit card, online banking, E-Wallet or even offline bank transfer also no problems.

6. 不过购买前记得先注册成为会员,然后会发电邮给您,需要activate才可以使用和购买。
But before purchase, pls remember register as a member 1st, then will email you the activation link within 5minutes then just activate it and thats it.
7. 其他FAQ可以参考这里
Other FAQ can refer HERE.

今期热销的优惠卷是Wok's Restaurant,原价RM9.80的青东炎、牛肉面和肉骨茶,竟然只卖RM2.80,折扣高达72%,平时RM9.80还需付服务费,不过Rm2.80是已经包含服务费了,难以置信吧??截止我写这篇东东时,还剩下30小时的时间抢购此项优惠。
This week deal is Wok's restaurant, the Original price RM9.80 and just sell for RM2.80 here. There is 3 choice which is Green Tom Yam, Beef Noodle, Bat Kut Teh with rice. And there is no additional charges for this deal. Until now, left 30hours to grab the deal.

Just click here if you want to buy 大家如果要购买可以点入 ->

为何我会极力推荐呢?其实已经忘了第一次接触的经历了,之前促销过不少优惠(请参考这里槟城区以往的优惠),不过昨天是第一次购买,因为才Rm2.80罢了,可以去试试看顺便可以写写review嘛。预购后,我就推荐给同事,我同事也赶紧注册和预购。可是当我同事online转账时,银行shows已经转账了可是在他的私人页面无法显示已经购买。当时5点多接近放工时间了,同事唯有发电邮到 然后就匆匆回家了。不过之后我在线问everyday admin,结果他们和Woks负责人很快的在线回复了,并答应会尽快解决。结果第二天早上就解决了,界面也显示已经购买了。虽然我同事只是转账RM8.40罢了,可是他们办事能力真的是神速,这样也大大提高消费者对他们的信心了。
Why I so recommend This is due to my colleague had register and buy the deal 2days ago but when the online banking status show the payment is done, but the personal page at still not yet shows the coupons. My colleague email everyday admin and I also help my colleague to ask the admin online. The admin & Wok's owner response very fast and feedback they will check it. Within 12hours, my colleague get the coupons and feel very satisfy for their service. Although it's just RM8.40, but the service is very good and let the customer getting more trusted on them.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

【槟城美食】Eyzza Bakery & Cafe - 期待越高失望越大 =(

Main reason I visit Eyzza is because I saw a foodblogger intro for this restaurant, found that the food range is quite a lot and the price also quite cheap. Plus, if we register as members at their website, we can play a mini game and get a free voucher. Whenever you order a maincourse, you can redeem the voucher. But the website a bit lousy, after i login few times, i still fail to download the voucher.

Eyzza Cafe的外观,感觉蛮舒服的。
Exterior Design for Eyzza Cafe, feel quite cozy.

以下是Eyzza Cafe的室内装潢,灯都黄黄的,其实照片看起来感觉还蛮不错的,其实进到里面,有点闷热而且也没想像中有那种特别的感觉。楼下基本上是卖面包和柜台,也有几张桌子在外面但我们嫌热所以上去楼上。楼上的左侧有一张沙发可以让纯粹来喝茶的朋友来坐坐喝茶聊天,并有一个书橱有很多杂志免费看。
Below are the slideshow for Eyzza interior design, the light all a bit yellow term, if you look for the photo, it's look cozy and feel nice but actually I feel a bit hot and nothing special for the place. Downstair is Bakery, although there is few small table outside the cafe but we choose upstair near window side to enjoy our meal. There is a sofa and a book case that just corner of staircase.

我们抵达哪里后,选了最靠窗的座位就开始点菜了。虽然这里营业应该也超过一年了,可是感觉那几位aunty有点kelam kabut酱。虽然menu有分头盘、主菜、甜品,可是最后上菜次序都倒转了。点菜后,上菜速度基本上蛮慢的,我唯有趁那些aunty不为意就把整本menu给拍下来了,可以参考看看这里的食物种类和价钱。
We choose the seat that close to the window and start order the meal. Although Eyzza had been operating more than 1year but feel that those aunty still a bit "kelam kabut". The menu have Appetizer, main-course & dessert but finally that aunty serve the dessert to us 1st. The meal serve quite slow, I take the chance that the aunty not around and take photo for the menu, can refer below slide show for the food range and price.

先上桌的竟然是甜品,这是小晶点的Banana Split - RM6.30。只是普通的雪糕咯,应该是nestle的,然后有不同的水果,应该都是罐头杂果的水果+分两半的香蕉+分两半草莓。
Appertizer should serve first but in Eyzza, the dessert serve first =.=lll The dessert we order is Banana Split, RM6.30. It just 3scoops of nestle ice cream with mix fruits + banana+strawberry. I think the mix fruits just a canned fruits.

The Ice Lemon Tea just throw a BOH teabag & a piece of lemon then that's it, this so call Lemon Tea. The taste it's not same with others restaurant lemon tea but if it can add one more piece lemon, the taste shud be better. The lemon tea is came with the maincourse, you can choose either lemon tea, milo or nescafe.
小晶选了BBQ Sauce Chicken Chop,sideline有沙律和薯条。个人觉得BBQ汁够浓的,不过问题是太浓了,刚开始吃时味道很好,吃到最后会有一种很腻的感觉,难怪小晶吃到最后放慢速度了。这个一盘要RM9.90。
Jing choose BBQ Sauce Chicken Chop for the maincourse with french fries & salad as sideline. The BBQ sauce quite heavy, when starting eat the chicken chop, taste very nice but until the end will feel the taste is too much and feel NG. This set cost RM9.90.

我点了Chicken Cordon Bleu,我点西餐的话多数会选择Cordon Bleu,因为目前为止,令我比较满意的Cordon Bleu只有secret recipe的,我还尝试过很多地方甚至这里的都无法令我满意。我看回menu,这cordon bleu原本应该serve with salad & mash potato可是怎么变成薯条和煎蛋哦?而且蛮油腻的,看图片还可以看到油腻腻的。切开时,cheese汁很水不黏,这是让我不满意的地方,而且不是很重味道。这么一道是Rm11.90。
I order Chicken Cordon Bleu cost RM11.90 as my maincourse. I like cordon bleu especially when I visit western restaurant, this is a MUST to order but so far only Secret Recipe serve the Cordon Bleu that can satisfy me. When I look back the menu, this Cordon Bleu suppose serve with Salad & Mashed Potato but become Fries & Fried egg. =.=lll

比较满意的还是这个Appertizer,不过却是最后才送上的。这是Soup of the Day - Rm3.90,当天的是蘑菇汤。这蘑菇汤很浓郁而且蘑菇都是一大片的,不像一般餐厅都把蘑菇剁得好碎哦。
The Appetizer is most satisfy for meal at Eyzza but it serve after the dessert & maincourse. The Appertizer we order is Soup of the Day cost Rm3.90, that day the serve Mushroom Soup as Soup of the Day. The taste is great & heavy, the mushroom is slice in big piece, unlike other restaurants, the mushroom slice until soooo... small.

View Eyzza Cafe in a larger map

Eyzza Cafe其实就在Burmah Road“青屋”那一排罢了,对面是馨香饼屋。
Eyzza Cafe just same row with "Green House(cheh chu)".
H/P : 013-432 9353 / 013-518 9353
Tel/Fax : 04-227 2175
Email :
Address : 221-D, Jalan Burma, 10050 Penang,
Business hour : 10.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.
Closed on : Sunday and Public Holiday)
GPS : 5°25'21.2"N  100°19'20.8"E

Thursday, October 21, 2010

【槟城美食】QB Mall Neway Buffet - 有的吃有的喝还有得唱o(>﹏<)o

其实没想过weekday night回来唱K的,可是由于小晶参加比赛的关系所以她来练歌,我就来mum mum咯^^ 普通weekday(Mon-Thurs)是收费RM28++一人,每两人就charge一个titbits,RM11++,每人两杯水和buffet任吃。当晚两人消费是RM77,总共可以唱超过四个小时。(如果11点后没什么人,neway会开放给你唱到你beh tahan为止)
Actualluy I never thought that I will come for K in weekday but due to my bb going to have a competition, so I take her her to practice. Normal weekday which is Mon-Thurs, Neway charge RM28++/head, any 2 person charge one titbits cost RM11++. The charges include a buffet & 2 drinks. We can sing for 4hours during that section but normally they will let u sing until u cannot tahan...=P

The drinks choices quite a lot, fruit juice,bubble tea,soya,kampai or beer also have. Below are the drinks menu.

这是我和小晶点的第一杯水,我点了blackcurrant kampai,小晶点了玫瑰花茶,很香下的。
I ask for Kampai for my 1st drink and my bb order for Rose Tea.

The buffet food range is quite wide, is can be compatible with the hotel buffet. From chicken, duck, fish, salad, beef, dessert, cake until scallop also have. The taste is just normal but I think almost like any hotel buffet outside.
This is "niao chu hun", roast duck, chicken chop & Japanese Tofu.
This is fried rice, fried fish, fish ball & dumplings. The fried rice is tasty, i like it very much.
Blackpepper chicken chop, cheese pasta, crab ball & steam egg.
There is a small sushi counterbeside the buffet corner, although the sushi looks bad but quite tasty. Quite a pity the sushi sifu need to sit at a small corner to make the sushi. But there is a condition that every people only can max take 3pcs sushi each time.
这些都是部分甜品,有巧克力蛋糕、cream puff、小蛋糕、布丁还有那个乱乱黑黑一粒的,类似蛋糕酱,好吃下。。。
The dessert I take have choc cake, small cake, cream puff, pudding & choc ball.
For me, Neway Buffet is worth for price which can having a fun k + can eat all u can. The buffet is start from 6PM until 11pm.
For more details, pls refer previous review: QB Mall Neway - 尽情的K吧!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

【槟城美食】Perut Rumah Nyonya Cuisine - 古色古香的娘惹风味

This is the most expensive voucher that I ever receive from foodmice, it's worth RM100/set, need to thanks to Perut Rumah Nyonya Restaurant & also Foodmice. Except for the set dinner, we also extra order 2 plain rice but restaurant tauke also FOC it to us, it's too generous of him.


Before visiting this restaurant, I already do some survey on it, found that restaurant that can open on this kind of banglo somemore in Gurney area, must be need alot of capital and the food surely will be costly too. When I reach there, I'm confirm my thinking is correct coz at the parking lot, all the car are BMW, New Camry, Benz...
When we reach the front door, we feel very weird why the door is without the door handles? The door is push, pull, moving beside or...? Actually it can be push either from outside or inside but need to becareful coz the door could be swing back if u didnt block it.
This is a decoration lamp at the front door roof, it kinda unique and i like it very much. 
The 1st impression we step in the restaurant, we feel the environment is quite relax and can enjoy the food very much. Sometimes the environment could let us automatically give additional 10pts although the food is just worth 70pts.
一图解千言万语,我也不多说啦,接下来就看看室内装潢咯,个人觉得在这种环境让我有点拘谨也不敢“搞搞震”,毕竟来这里的感觉都很high classy的咧。。。
The place seems a bit classy, i'm dare not to fool around as usual. Let's look for others interior design.

After a photo shooting section for the interior, the food is ready.

Just take a photo for the napkin, adv for this restaurent, hehe^^

There is 3types of chili sauce provided, the middle one little bit salty+sour.

Group photo of food for the RM100 set dinner.
for我的RM100 set,饮料选择不多,只有barli和另一种不懂什么须什么根,唯有选择比较熟悉的barli咯。。。
For the set dinner, only have 2choices of drink to us, we choose the Barley.
This Lobak & Chun Piah, Chun Piah is my favourite, ingredient is pack full inside, it's tasty & juicy. For the Lobak, the meat is quite “solid”& juicy too, it's not oily as my expected. (sorry for my poor english)
Kerabu, i think one of many girls favourite but not mine.
名字好像叫Inchee Kabin,娘惹式虾饼炸鸡,这是我的菜,最喜欢鸡肉了还有虾饼可以吃。不过鸡肉不是现炸的,有点失望咯。
The Inchee Kabin, of coz is the nyonya style fried chicken lo. But there not fried on the spot coz the chicken is not hot.
Sengkuang, this one we eat with the salad leaf.

我个人不是很喜欢吃petai的但这Sambai Petai炒得很够味,虽然小辣但恰到好处,我喜欢这种辣。我们把酱料和几粒petai和之前的炒mengkuang一起用salad菜抱起来吃,又是另一种风味了。

Sambai Petai, Petai is not my type but the sambai is very tasty, it's just a bit spicy.
The "Chai Bui Soup", it's a different style of Cai Bui compare we my mum recipe. This soup is cook with asam boi & ginger, after taste it, it's feel cool.
Basically the food here not big portion but due to there is 5dishes + 1soup, it's really very full for 2person. But quite expensive for 2person for this set of Nyonya Cuisine.
View Perut Rumah Nyonya Cuisine in a larger map
 Perut Rumah Nyonya Cuisine Address:17,Jalan Kelawei, 10250 Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hour:11am-3pm;6pm-10pm
GPS:N5°25'46"  E100°19'4"
