不懂的人一定很好奇为何我会推荐博物馆呢?其实这究竟是餐厅抑或博物馆呢? 其实这里前身是叶祖意博物馆,后来才翻修成为博物馆+餐厅。历史不多说啦,可以参考Penang Travel-Tips。会来到The Sire Museum Restaurant是为了庆祝小晶的生日,在这之前survey了很多餐厅,最终选择了这里。但看过很多foodblogger的文后,褒贬不一。褒的是说这里气氛佳、环境好;贬的是说这里食物不够美味。不过这里荣获A级餐厅的,食物再不好也有个限度吧所以要试过才知道。
Those who dont know, sure will confuse why I recommend a Museum? This is a restaurant or museum? Actually here is a museum for few decade ago and now become Museum Restaurant that famous around Heritage Area,for more details about House of Yeap Chor Ee can refer Penang Travel-Tips. The reason we here is to celebrate Jing's birthday. Before choosing here, I do some research for few restaurant and finally pick here. After I read for few foodblogger review, the conclusion is great ambiance & service but food is not tasty. But due to this is A Class restaurant, I believe the food wont very lousy lo.
The Sire Museum Restaurant 是A级餐厅哦!可是不懂有没AA或者S级呢?
The restaurant is A Class Restaurant but is it have AA or S Class? |
After I walk through the corridor, I attract by this KING, anyone know what is the KING stand for? Guess it!
After I walk through the corridor, I attract by this KING, anyone know what is the KING stand for? Guess it!
The waiter was very good manner and lead us to a 2 person seat. But quite disappointed cos I forgot to book for seat at upstairs. All the dining table have an oil lamp with an orchid as decoration, it's kinda romance feel.
Actually the time we came, the restaurant was full of people and above photo I shoot before we leave the restaurant. Is it very nice interior?
The restaurant behind was Yeap Chor Ee Museum, there is a notice board that shows not allow take photo but since it's not really prohibit, I just shoot whatever I like. Somemore, Jing become my model and we shoot a lot of photo here. For those who like to view Jing's Album, you can view from my facebook. =P
基本上不必order头盘也无所谓了因为餐厅会送上这个Cheese Baked Bread【FOC】,烤得有点焦焦的不过味道真的很赞!不过一人只得到一片,我略嫌不足咯
The restaurant will provide the Cheese Baked Bread for us as a starter, it's FOC. It's a bit char but taste is terrific. But each person get one piece only.
由于餐厅有提供一般的冷开水所以我只让小晶order了这杯Strawberry Smoothies【RM9.80】,味道还好罢了,不过不失。我倒比较满意提供的冷开水,他们在冷开水中放了一片柠檬,虽然白开水味道一样但有淡淡的柠檬香,很不错的点子。
Due to restaurant is provided Sky Juice so we only order one drink which is Strawberry Smoothies cost RM9.80/glass. The taste is just OK, not too sweet but not to say tasty. I satisfy for the Sky Juice cos they put a piece lemon inside the water, although it taste like normal plain water but it's have lemon smell.
头盘打算和小晶二人share share就让她点了,结果她点了这个Mussel Marina【RM16.80】,我可是不喜欢吃贝壳类的人结果被这寿星婆要我活生生吞下3粒蚌肉
We share for the appetizer so I let birthday girl choose but she choose Mussel Marina cost RM16.80, I dont like to eat shell food but that birthday girl ask me to swallow half of the Mussel. But the Mussel is not taste fishy. The Thai style juice is a bit sour and it mix well with the mussel. Anyway, I still dont like Mussel. =P
之后就先送上我的这份Mongolia Lamb【RM32.80】,食物的摆设很吸引人也很精致。我的sideline是沙律和薯仔,沙律就普通咯,酸酸甜甜而那个薯仔和一些香料和少量芝麻油一起搅拌制成的,香香很特别的味道。至于羊肉是羊腩肉,吃起来还真的有点像猪肉咧。酱料是番茄和香料熬制,虽然很浓可是相信是为了盖过羊骚味,吃多也不会腻,分量刚好,要是再多可能就会腻了。
Before the maincourse served, the waiter will help us to change new set of spoon & folk, I quite satisfy with the A Class service here, very worth to pay the service tax. My main-course serve 1st, I order for Mongolia Lamb cost RM32.80. The food presentation is attractive. The sideline provide is salad & mini potato, the salad taste just nice, nothing special but recommend the mini potato, it's mix with some spice & herbs become more tastier. The lamb taste like pork but it's suit for me. The sauce is mixture of tomato & herbs/spice, it taste heavy but I believe is to cover the lamb show. Conclusion is, I like the dishes.
The lamb meat looks tasty, right? |
小晶点的是Grill Triyaki Salmon【RM40.80】,当天的三文鱼很鲜,不像传言般说这里海鲜不新鲜。三文鱼的皮考得有点焦焦的可是肉汁还保持着,有点考功夫咯。马铃薯泥和沙律就没什么特别。
Jing order Grill Teriyaki Salmon cost RM40.80, the salmon was fresh and not like some foodblogger mention the seafood here was not fresh. The salmon skin grill till a bit char but the salmon meat still very juicy. The sideline is mashed potato & salad, nothing special.
The salmon meat is still toughness, very originality.
这蛋糕不是The Sire出品哦,是我在May Flower特别订制的钥匙蛋糕,配合小晶21岁可以步入成年人的阶段了。这里要特别推荐May Flower,老板的服务好好啊,而且收着单据在3个月内买超过RM200就有10%折扣哦。不过当晚蛋糕折腾太久,开始融化了,钥匙也跌下来了
The cake not serve by The Sire, but I'm order it from May Flower locate at Chai Leng Park, Prai. Very special Key Cake, right? Here want to recommend May Flower too, the service was very good and we can order what ever design we wish to. If purchase >RM200 within 3months at May Flower, you will get a 10% discount. But due to the cake not put in the fridge, it's start melting. But luckily Jing still enjoy the birthday cake.Total bill of that night is RM110.20 include service tax. Maybe because the restaurant at Heritage Area, no government tax charged.
View The Sire Museum Restaurant in a larger map
Add: 4, King Street, Georgetown 10200 Penang (back entrance)
or No. 4 Penang Street, 10200 Penang (front entrance)
or No. 4 Penang Street, 10200 Penang (front entrance)
Tel: 04-2645088
Operation hours: 1130am-3pm and 6pm-1030pm (Close on Sunday)
GPS: 5°25'12.6" 100°20'29.4"
很多天没有上来你家了。。。发现写了英文字。。间中提升了我的英文咯!!我的英文很烂的~~~ 哈哈!!